Posted: January 23, 2019
In math this week we are working on ratios (les rapports). These are essentially a way of making comparisons between the amounts of something in 2 or more groups. We can come up with a ratio to compare 2 groups, or a ratio to compare one group with the total amount of all the groups.
For example, if we have 4 brown rabbits and 5 white rabbits, then we can say there is a ratio of 4:5 when comparing the number of brown rabbits to the number of white rabbits. Similarly, a ratio of 5:4 is comparing the number of white rabbits to the number of brown rabbits. A ratio of 4:9 is comparing the number of brown rabbits to all the rabbits, while a ratio of 5:9 is comparing the number of white rabbits to all the rabbits.
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1. Write a ratio comparing... a) apples to pears b) hats to scarves c) roses to daisies
2. Write a ratio comparing... a) ladybugs to ants b) ants to ladybugs c) ladybugs to all the insects d) ants to all the insects
3. Write a ratio comparing... a) red marbles to green marbles b) green marbles to all the marbles c) green marbles to red marbles d) red marbles to all the marbles
4. Write a ratio comparing... a) girls to boys b) boys to girls c) boys to all the students d) girls to all the students
5. Write in words what is being compared in each ratio using the dogs and cats at the bottom of the page.
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6. Represent the ratio 3:5 using drawings and explain what things are being compared in the ratio. Repeat this process with new drawings and a new explanation of what is being compared.
7. Using the tic-tac-toe grid, come up with 4 different ratios and explain what they each represent.
9. Write a ratio comparing... a) triangles to squares b) squares to rectangles c) triangles to all the shapes d) red shapes to yellow shapes e) yellow triangles to yellow rectangles f) red triangles to yellow squares