Posted: October 24, 2012
Homework :
Literacy- Read 20 minutes/ (Record reading in your agenda)
Final "Going the Distance" project (Due Nov. 2)
Study vocabulary and spelling
Math- Finish math sheet (Extra Practice #4)
Social Studies-
- 6R has gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- 6M has gym on Tuesday and Thursday
- MS Boys Soccer: Jamboree on October 30th
- MS Girls Soccer: Thursday, October 25th NSER @ Blackville 4:00
Monday, October 29th Jamboree @ Blackville (During School Hours/ Game Times TBA)
- Fall Fair is on Friday evening!!
-Grade 6 students are required to change into gym clothes (and wear deodorant) for Phys. Ed class
- Grade 6 students should be writing their homework down from the "Homework Board" and getting it signed each night
- Grade 6 students require in-door shoes (and socks) for class time and gym class
- The cold weather has arrived...please make sure your child is wearing pants to school with socks & shoes!