Posted: November 16, 2012
Homework :
Literacy- Read 20 minutes/ (Record reading in your agenda)
Get Literacy Test signed
Math- Get math test signed
Science- Finish "Brochure" for electricity by Nov. 21
Social Studies- Get Test signed
- 6R has gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- 6M has gym on Tuesday and Thursday
- Middle School Girls basketball has started (Tuesday @NSER and Thursday @NSEE)
- We are collecting for the food bank (this week it is cereal)....but feel free to send in whatever you wish
- "Cookie Dough" orders went due on Friday...please return your forms
- Report Cards go home on Tuesday and "Parent Teacher" Meetings will take place on Thursday from 4:30 to 6:30 and on Friday from 9:00 to 11:30.- If you cannot attend the meeting times next week but would like to discuss your child's progress....please send a note, e-mail or give us a call! :)