Posted: December 12, 2013
Literacy- Read 20 minutes
Novel Study Due
Final project due next Thursday
Math- Test on Decimals next Tuesday
Tech- Our grade 6 students are being Computer Buddies to the primary grades
Gym- Bring gym clothes
6R- Tuesday & Thursday
6M- Monday, Wednesday & Friday
- Middle School Boys Basketball Tuesday at NSER 6:00 - 7:30
Thursday at NSER 6:00 - 7:30
- Middle School Girls Basketball starts tonight! Tuesday, Nov 12th @ NSEE 7:15 - 8:30
Wednesday, Nov 13th @ NSER 3:15 - 4:15
- We are collecting food for the Food Bank. Thanks for your donation!!
- Christmas concert is Wednesday, December 18 at 9 am
- Money for "World Vision"
- Christmas dinner money is due tomorrow
- It is cold & snowy outside!! Please dress for the weather!!
- Some students need indoor shoes for gym class (and deo)- Please send in an excuse if your child is absent. You can just write it in their agenda.