Homework for Tuesday, May 13 (Grade 6)

Homework:             Literacy-  Read 20 minutes                            No Reading Logs this week                    Math-  6M quiz tomorrow (6R quiz was on Monday)              Science-       Social Studies-            Technology- Bring in photos and materials for our final tech project                    Gym-   Bring gym clothes                                  6M-  Monday, Wednesday & Friday                                6R- Tuesday & Thursday  Sports: - Middle School Boys:     Boys Volleyball Game Tomorrow-  Harkins @ NSER 3:45 - Middle School Girls:  Practice Tuesday 3:30 - 5:00 pm Game Wednesday @ 4:00 pm vs Blackville at NSER.   Other: - Drama is this Wednesday and Thursday night at 7pm!!  Yikes! Can you believe it? - A notice was sent home about "NSEE Fishing Week" (continues this week) - Mrs. Mutch is looking for pictures of you for the Grade 6 Banquet! (See purple note)- We are also looking for a pink form and money for guests of the Grade 6 Banquet!