Homework for the week of Feb. 23rd (Grade 6)

Posted: February 23, 2015

Homework: Literacy- Read 15 minutes          Art- Projects Due March 27th        Math-  Get math test signed Science- Students will be presenting their STEM fair projects this week Soc. Studies-  Storybird and Voki projects are being worked on in class.   Gym- Bring gym clothes!  6R- Monday, Wednesday  6M- Tuesday & Thursday  Middle School Sports: $50 Sports fee is due to NSER....thanks!(Girls)  Jamboree on Tuesday(Boys) Jamboree Monday and Tuesday Other:- Special theme days this week: Monday- PJ Day, Tuesday- Crazy Hair or Crazy Hat Day, Wednesday- Jersey Day... Thursday- Pink Shirt Day and Principal's Cup, Friday- 80's Theme Day - Bring money for the canteen on Thursday and maybe a blanket.- Dress for outdoor activities on Friday- March Break is next week!  Have a great vacation!!