NSEE Celebrates Family Literacy Day Pirate Style

Posted: January 25, 2013

On Friday, January 26 students, staff and parents dressed in their best pirate costume and celebrated National Family Literacy Day. Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually in January to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.  This is the 10th consecutive year that NSEE students have celebrated this event.  This year’s theme was pirates. The day began with an assembly and a guest reader, Grant Hendry, who read the classic story Granma and the Pirates while staff reenacted the story.  The students did a sing-along with the songs they had practiced throughout the week.  Following that each class was presented with a treasure chest containing books and classroom activities. Students were treated to a read-aloud in their classrooms which was followed by juice and cookies presented by the NSEE Home and School Association.  The Home and School also provided a book for every student to keep as well as books for the classroom library. Middle School drama club from the North & South Esk Regional High then presented the students with their play, Women of the Caribbean, much to the delight of the kids from NSEE. The morning ended with one more “treasure” as the Miramichi Big Brothers Big representative Gail McKibbon who presented the students from NSEE with a good quality, age appropriate book to keep as well. Thank you to NSEE Home & School Association and the Miramichi Big Brothers Big Sisters for their generosity and all of their assistance in helping NSEE in their Family Literacy Celebration.