NSEE 60 Minute Club Champions!

Posted: June 7, 2014

On Friday June 6th NSEE students in grades 2 to 5 received a wonderful surprise for their efforts in participating in the "60 Minute Club" throughout the year. Finishing first in New Brunswick and sixth in Canada, students where presented with a big reward.  Chris Tremblay, Regional Representative for The 60 Minute Club, visited the school and announced to the grades 2 to 5 students that they would all be treated to a full day trip to Camp Sheldrake.A big congratulations  to all the students and a special thank you to our very own Ms. Downey for her guidance and leadership organzing this wonderful initiative.  Providing students with  adequate physical fitness and teaching students the value of keeping fit is essential for a long and healthy lifestyle.Great job! Check out the image gallery for more pictures.