Posted: March 14, 2013

Anglophone North School District is pleased to announce that the 6th Annual CUTE Awards will be held in the theatre at James M. Hill High School on Wednesday, March 20th.The CUTE Awards (Creative Use of Technology in Education) is an event that was conceptualized to recognize and encourage the creative use of technology by students and teachers in our classrooms. Over the years, the awards have evolved to reflect the changing learning environments that our teachers are nurturing. The ASD-N Tech Team is excited to see the entries submitted by teachers and students from across our new, larger school district.Wednesday, March 20thCUTE Awards at JMH Theatre at 7PM, Doors open at 6:15PM Category Finalists  from NSEE Digital Photography Spike Out of Water – Conrad Murphy Copper – Evan Matchett   Digital Video Grade 6 Presents “Party Rock” – Shayla Mutch, Grade 6 Students Everyone is Unique – Christine Colwell, Mrs. Holmes Grade 2 Class, Mrs. Silliker’s  Grade 3 Class