Posted: June 8, 2020
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Watch the video Letters to Canada to learn and listen to children talk about Indigenous rights in Canada. They share why they care about Indigenous families across Canada and why YOU should care too. You will learn about some of the struggles that Indigenous people have faced in the past and still face today in society such as discrimination or poverty and poor housing. This video also talks about the following: Child & youth engagement / Child rights/Child welfare/ Education/Health/Human rights/I am a Witness/Shannen's Dream/Tribunal
Video Explanation:
On February 25, 2013, the Canadian Government appears before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to answer allegations that it is discriminating against First Nations children by providing flawed and inequitable child welfare services on reserve. Children and young people from across Canada prepared this video so that the Tribunal could understand why this case is important to all children in Canada but the Canadian Government opposed it. This is the children's video that the Government of Canada did not want the Tribunal.