Week 1 - Culture - At-home learning suggestions

Posted: April 6, 2020

Welcome to the first week of at home learning! Here are a few at-home Learning suggestions for the week of: April 6th to April 9th, 2020. These are activities and lessons your child may complete independently or with members of the family. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like additional First Nation and/or  Culture resources for your children, please do not hesitate to contact me through email: Melissa.mountain@nbed.nb.ca or directly by phone at: (506) 457-8950. Thank you! I hope everyone is staying safe. I miss all my students and their beautiful faces! I will be in contact with some students this week. I look forward to hearing their voices again! Take care everyone!

P.S - Kindergarten Math for Mrs. Girouard's K's will be found on Mrs. Girouard's teacher page :)
