Zipper Bags and Communicating

Posted: September 8, 2020


Just a heads-up to families that I am sending home quite a few forms in your child's wipeable/washable burgundy zipper bag, and some will need parents to fill in and/or sign. Just pop back into that same bag and they should be sent back to school each day. I check them daily, in case you'd like to put any other notes there, as well. It's your go-to place to check for any forms/school notices/handouts that go home, or sometimes the occasional note from me.

Other Stuff:

·         Our student fee is $50 this year. Please send in a sealed, labelled baggie.  

·         Children should have a change of sneakers: one pair for indoors, and one pair for outdoors.

·         Cafeteria orders should come written on a slip of paper, inside in a sealed baggie, with money, child's name, and menu item

Please don't hesitate to contact me by phoning the school (836-7010),or jotting a note if you have any questions or concerns. I am also happy to call you, and  I check my email several times daily:  I will also be using School Messenger for our class for voice mail calls and email messaging, if needed.

I do not use Facebook but am investigating different messaging platforms and will let you know when I have one. School events/details can also be found on our school Facebook page:

I am looking forward to learning with our lovely class, and predict that this year will be an awesome one!