Posted: September 9, 2014
Tonight your job is to play " Make Tens Go Fish" for 10 minutes.Everyone will have a baggie with the needed supplies to play in their black (homework)"Banana" bag. Here is a video example of how to play: one to get rid of all cards is the winner! Game Rules:Each player takes 5 cards and looks at them. The extra cards are placed in a pile between the two partners. Each player matches up any pairs they have already in their hands and lays them on the table in front of them. For this game, pairs are not matching 1 with 1 or 2 with 2. Instead pairs are made by matching the two numbers that, when put together, make ten! The only time two of the same numbers will be matched together will be when 5 and 5 are matched up because 5 and 5 make ten. If the other player does not have the card you need to make ten, then you "go fish" and pick up a card from the extra card pile. Keep playing until you run out of cards or until all the cards from the extra card pile are gone!