Homework for the Week of Feb. 9th (Grade 6)

Posted: February 10, 2015

Homework:Our Valentine's Party is at 9:30 on Thursday!! Literacy- Read 15 minutes                Poetry Book is due on Monday, Feb. 16               Complete Writing Lesson 11        Art- Projects Due February 27th         Math-  Math test on Thursday (on Area, Perimeter and Volume)Science- Science Fair info can be found on Mr. Henderson's Teacher Page.                  Science Fair projects will need to be  completed by Friday February 13th 2015.  Soc. Studies-  Storybird and Voki projects are being worked on in class.  Due before the March Break. Gym- Bring gym clothes!  6M- Monday, Wednesday  6R- Tuesday & Thursday  Middle School Sports: $50 Sports fee is due to NSER....thanks!(Girls)  Check schedule given (Boys) Check schedule givenOther:  - Book Orders are due this Thursday  - The grade 6 students will be celebrating their Valentine's Day on Thursday, Feb. 12th  6M Valentine Names:  Abby, Ally, Amelia, Christopher, Jillian, Dallas, Meina, Thorton, Darien, Jordan, Danielle, Michaella, Emma Si, Emma Sh and Joseph6R Valentine Names:  Nathaniel, Summer, Joshua, Aiden, Madison, Annika, Landon, Austin, Abigail, Jada, Nyah, Shamara, Cody, Alyssa, Reece and Fran