Homework for Wednesday, Jan. 8 (Grade 6)

Posted: January 7, 2014

Homework:             Literacy-  Read 20 minutes                             Write 10 examples of a simile and metphor                  Math-  Get test signed              Science-                        Art-                    Tech-                       Gym-   Bring gym clothes                                6R-  Tuesday & Thursday                                6M- Wednesday & Friday  Sports: -  Middle School Boys Basketball :  Practice- Tuesday at NSER 6:00  -  Middle School Girls Basketball:  Practice- Tuesday and Wednesday      Reminders: -  It is cold & snowy outside!!  Boots & ski pants are are required to play in the snow.  Please dress for the weather!! - Some students need indoor shoes for gym class (and deo)- Please send in an excuse if your child is absent.  You can just write it in their agenda.                                                                                                                                         Thanks!