Posted: February 4, 2014
Literacy- Read 20 minutes
Poetry Analysis of song
Math- Finish math sheet (Extra Practice 2)
Science- Students will be working on Science Fair projects in class. Bring in display boards.
(See Mr. Henderson's page for details)
Social Studies- "Bitstrips" projects due on Feb. 10 (You can work on it at home)
Tech- Powtoons projects are being worked on in class (Small Projects were due last week and the bigger on will be presented this week)
Gym- Bring gym clothes (Snowshoeing on T & Th- 6M and W & F- 6R)
6M- Tuesday & Thursday
6R- Monday, Wednesday & Friday
- Middle School Boys Basketball Games: Tuesday, Feb. 04 @ Millerton @ 6:00
Thursday, Feb. 06 @ NSER vs Nelson @ 6:00
- Middle School Girls Basketbal Games: Tuesday, Feb. 04 @ NSER @ 7:00
Thursday, Feb. 06 @ NSER @ 7:30 (Please note the location change)
- $50 Basketball Fee is due to NSER
- Hockey Jersey Day will be on Friday!-Drama starts on Feb. 3th (A schedule will go home on Friday)! Write a note in the agenda and bring a snack!- It is cold & snowy outside!! Boots & ski pants are are required to play in the snow. Please dress for the weather!!
Working on Poetry Review Books (These should be completed by next Friday)
Comprehension Quiz this Thursday
Poetry Test next Thursday
- Some students need indoor shoes for gym class (and deo)- Please send in an excuse if your child is absent. You can just write it in their agenda.