Posted: April 29, 2014
Literacy- Read 20 minutes
No Reading Log this week but if you are behind make sure to complete some (8 required)
In class Spellathon test Tuesday, May 6th. School Spellathon Friday, May 9th.
Math- Get quiz signed
Social Studies-
Technology- Microsoft Word assignments were due last Friday.
Gym- Bring gym clothes
6M- Monday, Wednesday & Friday
6R- Tuesday & Thursday
- Middle School Boys:
Game in Millerton on Wednesday at 4pm
- Middle School Girls:
Tuesday, 4:00 pm at NelsonWednesday, 4:30 pm at NSER vs Harkins White
- A new drama schedule was sent home today. We only have 3 practices left!!
- CrossFit Shirt Order Forms are Due Tuesday, May 6th.
- A notice was sent home about "NSEE Fishing Week"
- Mrs. Mutch is looking for pictures of you for the Grade 6 Banquet! (See purple note)- No school for students on Thursday or Friday this week!!