Posted: September 24, 2012
Homework :
Literacy- Read 20 minutes/ (Record reading in your agenda)
"Great Outdoors" writing project (due Friday, Sept. 28th)
Math- Finish page 45, # 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5/ Get quiz signed!
Social Studies-
Art- Working on projects in class
- 6M has gym on M, W & F
- 6R has gym on T & Th
- MS Girls soccer is on M & W after school at NSEE (3 -4:30)
- All Middle School boys and girls must pay their $50 sports fee to NSER (This fee pays for refs, uniforms, sports equipment, etc.)
- Grade 6 students are required to change into gym clothes during Phys. Ed class
- Grade 6 students should be writing their homework down from the "Homework Board" and getting it signed each night