Posted: May 5, 2014
Literacy- Read 20 minutes
3 Reading Logs this week
In class Spellathon test Tuesday, May 6th. (School Spellathon Friday, May 9th)
Math- Finish # 2-10, pg. 178
Science- Moon animal (due Friday)
Social Studies-
Technology- "Sploder" projects due on Friday
Gym- Bring gym clothes
6R- Monday, Wednesday & Friday
6M- Tuesday & Thursday
- Middle School Boys:
- Middle School Girls:
- A new drama schedule was sent home today. We only have 3 practices left!!
- CrossFit Shirt Order Forms are Due Tuesday, May 6th.
- A notice was sent home about "NSEE Fishing Week"
- Mrs. Mutch is looking for pictures of you for the Grade 6 Banquet! (See purple note)