Posted: December 11, 2015
We have met almost all of our Zoophonics animals! We talked about Yancy Yak and her sound today. Monday we will practice reading and writing some popular words that start with /y/ too - the words yes and you that are on our word wall. Many children are excited to spell the color words now too - so we noticed how yellow starts with y. Check out this Yakety Yak Sesame Street video: is external) And why do we love Y? is external) The children got to meet Cliff Hanger from the PBS show Between The Lions. They entertained me with some excellent yodelling after the video. is external) Parents may enjoy Nora Jones singing about the letter y - we didn't get to this slower tempo song in class. is external) We noticed that y is not a letter that plays fair - so stay tuned as we look into that later in the kindergarten year.