To World Vision with Pajama Day at NSEE - November 27th

Posted: November 17, 2015

As the holiday season approaches our staff has decided that we would like to support World Vision Canada again this year. In the past few years we have been so impressed by how the children want to make a difference in the lives of others who are less fortunate. Although we truly appreciate parents’ kindness when they send gifts to the staff at Christmas, we are asking that instead of buying gifts for us you contribute to the purchase of items for needy children around the world. This year we will launch our World Vision support by asking students to bring in a loonie for Pajama Day. We will collect money as a whole school and update the bulletin board by the cafeteria so the children get regular updates on what they have purchased. There is no obligation to take part and no set amount. We do not want to add any additional cost to you at this expensive time of year. We are only asking that if you did intend to purchase teacher gifts that you consider sending a small contribution for World Vision instead. World Vision Canada provides a catalogue to buy items such as chickens, cows, books, clothes, medications, water and food. Please check it out at: Please help us teach the children about social responsibility by respecting our “no gift” request this holiday season.