Week 8 - Culture Home Learning (Grade K-2)

Posted: May 26, 2020

Culture Challenge (Grades K-2)

1. Watch the video of Canada for Children to learn about Canada's Culture and some of the symbols that represent Canada and our Culture. Learn some similarities and differences between Canada and the United States. 

2. Draw a picture of something you learned from the video about Canada's Culture. It can be a sign or symbol of Canada or you may choose to make a video of you with your drawing and tell me why you chose to draw what you did. You may also write about it if you wish! Something to think about while your choosing what to draw or write about: Was there something mentioned in the video that you did NOT know about Canada? 

3. Share your drawing and/or video with Ms. Mountain via email or Facebook and I will enter your name in for the draw at the end of the week!

*Reminder to ALL Junior Cobras* This is the last week of the Month to submit a Culture Challenge to have your name entered in the draw for a prize! Enjoy your week and have fun with your home learning! It's almost Summer :)