Posted: September 18, 2012
Literacy- Read 20 minutes/ (Record reading in your agenda)
"Great Outdoors" writing project (due Friday)
Science- "Planet" project (due Friday, Sept. 21)
Social Studies-
Tech- Get a picture for Tech
- 6R has gym on M, W & F
- 6M has gym on T & Th
- MS Boys soccer have a soccer game at Millerton at 3:40 on Wednesday & practice on Thursday
- MS Girls soccer is on M & T after school at NSEE (3 -4:30)
- Cross Country is on Tuesday at Dr. Losier- Intramurals start this week!
- Grade 6 students are required to change into gym clothes during Phys. Ed class
- Please return Home & School Membership forms (the red envelope)